ClientUnited Nations CategoryVideoSocial mediaDesign DeliverablesVisual IdentityVideoSocial mediaDesign Summit of the Future – Shaping our world together Background Summit of the Future Campaign – Shaping our world together. Recognising the urgent need to...
ClientWorld Health Organization (WHO) CategoryAnimationVideoSocial mediaDesign DeliverablesVideoSocial mediaCampaign websitePosters Partnering for prevention: Collaborating with content creators for World Drowning Prevention Day Background Proactive prevention over...
ClientUNOCT CategoryVideoCampaign DeliverablesVideoSocial Media #MoreThanAGame: Transforming lives through the power of sport Background Transforming lives through the power of sport. The #MoreThanAGame global digital campaign was strategically developed and launched...
ClientUNICEF CategoryVideo DeliverablesVideo Turning the spotlight on violence in north-west Nigeria & its impact on girls’ education Background Turning the spotlight on violence in north-west Nigeria & its impact on girls’ education. Rooftop’s brief from...
ClientUNEP Ozone Secretariat CategoryCampaign DeliverablesMobile GameAnimation Video Reset Earth – One Ozone. One Planet. One Chance Background The state of the environment and the numerous issues facing the planet can be daunting and overwhelming, particularly...