ClientUnited Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (UNOCHA) CategoryVideoCampaignDesign DeliverablesVideoSocial MediaEducational Resources World Humanitarian Day 2024 – Act for Humanity Background Humanitarian workers under fire: A call to...
ClientUnited Nations CategoryVideoSocial mediaDesign DeliverablesVisual IdentityVideoSocial mediaDesign Summit of the Future – Shaping our world together Background Summit of the Future Campaign – Shaping our world together. Recognising the urgent need to...
ClientThe Office of the Special Representative of the Secretary-General (OSRSG) CategoryVideoCampaignSocial media DeliverablesVideoSocial media Stay safe online: Protecting children from the risks of digital spaces Background Focus on the African region and online...
ClientWorld Health Organization (WHO) CategoryAnimationVideoSocial mediaDesign DeliverablesVideoSocial mediaCampaign websitePosters Partnering for prevention: Collaborating with content creators for World Drowning Prevention Day Background Proactive prevention over...
ClientWWF CategoryVideoCampaign DeliverablesVideoSocial Media The world is watching: Challenging world leaders ahead of COP15 Background The world is watching: Challenging world leaders ahead of COP15. In the lead up to COP15 in Montreal in December 2022, WWF asked...